by Orbyta

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News by Orbyta

Free Flow: tolling without toll booths for efficient and safe Smart Roads
#Smart road

Free Flow: tolling without toll booths for efficient and safe Smart Roads

The Free Flow system introduces tolling without toll booths, optimizing efficiency, sustainability and safety of highway infrastructure.

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Smart Road and Intelligent Transport System for safer and smarter road infrastructure
#Smart road

Smart Road and Intelligent Transport System for safer and smarter road infrastructure

Learn about Intelligent Transport System technologies in Orbyta's guide: examples and applications for increasingly efficient and safe Smart Roads.

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Environmental monitoring with GIS maps: how to optimize risk management and infrastructure safety
#Smart road

Environmental monitoring with GIS maps: how to optimize risk management and infrastructure safety

Learn how environmental monitoring with GIS maps enables optimization of risk management and infrastructure safety.

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IoT monitoring and predictive analytics for safer road infrastructure
#Smart road

IoT monitoring and predictive analytics for safer road infrastructure

Learn how IoT monitoring and predictive analytics systems enable improved safety and maintenance of road infrastructure.

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